Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Milestones: The Blue Period

No, I'm not sad.  This is just a photographic homage to Picasso.

Milestone 1: I began using a rubber band to hold my jeans together in early February.  They're just too tight otherwise.  The rubber band of choice just happens to be blue.  Then I graduated to a Bella Band that was lent to me by a friend. Can you say lifesaver??

Milestone 2: We have purchased a nursery set!  Crib, armoire, dresser, and glider rocker with ottoman--not bad, I'd say.  Plus, it's used (yeah for being environmentally friendly and thrifty) and in excellent condition. The rocker is below--oh so comfortable--and once we get the rest of the nursery set up, more pics will follow!

 Milestone 3: The bump.
December 26, 2010--approximately 9 1/2 weeks along
January 26, 2011--approximately 14 weeks along
February 16, 2011--approximately 17 weeks along


  1. Where is this suposed bump?
    Also has your hair started doing weird things yet? I don't know if you remember how pin straight and fine my hair was way back when, but it's super thick and curly now. Preggieness is crazy!
    And!! My hubby might be in Pitts for work, Lily and I might come with him. Would you be up for a drink....I mean juice?

  2. You are oh so cute and oh so skinny! I do see a bump, but it's little, and that's not a bad thing :-)
