Thursday, March 3, 2011

Baby Melbs' first pictures

(Sorry, Mom, that this post has taken so long to come to fruition. The new job has been draining all my energy!).

We had the ultrasound on Monday. I am so glad we made it for early in the morning. The appointment started on time, and we didn't have to wait all day in anticipation. But boy, were we nervous going in there! Not having any other ultrasounds done before this anatomy scan, we just wanted everything to look healthy!

And, okay, we were nervous about finding out the gender...

Here's one picture of the ultrasound...

And another...can you tell yet?

Although Baby Melbs was quite content to lay on its belly, despite much poking and proding, the ultrasound tech got a look at the goods, and it appears we are having a baby GIRL!

We were stunned. Not in a bad way, more in the "Oh my goodness this is getting very real!" We both admitted right then and there that the thought of having a girl gave us some anxiety (see previous post here). But as the day went on, I started thinking about me and my future daughter. And with the kind, uplifting words of friends, I started not to dwell on the negative side of having a uterus, but instead began focusing on all that is good about being female that I can help my daughter learn to love, learn to relish, learn to embrace for the wonders that the female body can produce--like more beautiful daughters :-) Mind you, my anxiety is incredibly weird to me as I am typically the perpetual optimist. So I'm glad I'm finally now returning to my usual self. Return soon for my "The Good News Tale of Being Female" or "Letter to my Daughter" post!

But before you go, here's some more pictures of the growing baby bump. No detectable movement yet, but after seeing her make her big screen debut this week, it's clear that she's got no problem kicking, poking, prodding, etc.


  1. Having a girl is great! Cuter clothes, less chance of getting peed on, and once she gets a little older you will be able to out vote your hubby on movie nights. Hello Anne Hathaway chick flick, sorry Chuck Norris kill-a-thon!
    Also I need your address, I have a little baby present for you.

  2. Yay!! So excited for your little girl! Two little girls who are going to travel the world being born this July!! Congrats!
